To start with, it's a good, solid, serial-killer show. So I've got that out of the way.
However, I think it's the poor cousin to the UK's Luther with Idris Elba. Both he and Cross are billed as having extraordinary psychological analysis skills. With Luther you get that. With Cross you don't. There are only two times in 8 episodes where he does the whole "Spideysense" thing and gives an analysis that others just don't see.
Then there's the inconsequential acting from some of the big part actors. Their scenes just don't do justice to the great acting of the main characters.
And the last point is Iasiah Mustafa. In this show he is the spit image of Andy Farrell, the Irish Rugby team coach. One's a black guy and the other's a white guy but, boy, the resemblance is uncanny!
Enjoyable show but I think Luther does it better.