There's one of two ways to look at movies like this. From the mindset of an objective viewer...preferably someone who knows little to nothing about who these people really are. Then there's people who will watch it having already reached a conclusion and want something to "support" their views. The objective viewer will likely come away feeling sorry for the film's participants. The other type will scream and yell "I told you!!" as the film gets twisted up in their own warped sense of reality. People can believe whatever they want and that's just fine by me so I'm certainly not knocking anyone, but how can you call a movie a documentary when (at least) half of it's audience has already drawn their own conclusions before even popping it in?
To make myself perfectly clear: do conspiracy theories exist? Almost certainly. Is Alex Jones the best guy to get your info from concerning them? Absolutely not. The guy's been shown time and again to be an absolute nutjob who will do and say anything in the name of sensationalism. Hell, he even managed to pull Charlie Sheen down with him. Plus Jones, much like Jeff Rense, has a whole league of followers just waiting to call you ignorant or oblivious if you disagree, but will blindly accept about 90% of what these guys say as fact. But oh well...all is not lost. If you never wind up with a significant amount of power you'll probably never hear of these guys. If you do gain said power, they will attempt to tear you down regardless of your political affiliations or belief system about virtually anything. They will go over every minute detail of your life and claim you are NWO/Illuminati/Freemason/Knights Templar/Bilderberg/Trilateral Commision/Mastercard preferred customer until some idiot believes it. That, or they'll just flat out lie. And someone decided to make these idiots the subject of a "documentary"? Don't waste your time unless you're already a follower or unless you like to watch people unwittingly humiliate themselves. So, in a sense, this film is not unlike an episode of cops. A bunch of people acting like morons and unable to figure out what anyone else sees wrong with it.