The movie/game cash in of The Chronicle's Of Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena. You could probably call this game a sandbox adventure but not quite, maybe. You start as Riddick (Vin Diesel) being admitted to jail somewhere in space. You will continue on and pick up valuable weapon's along the way to help in your attack. There are character's who are friendly to talk to and other's who will straight up shoot to kill - mainly the prison personnel. I haven't completed this game yet because it is hard to find a place you haven't entered before to continue with the progression of the game. There is no objective marker telling you where to go in which direction. Another thing, the difficulty option's are a bit messed up. Say you want to play the game set on hard (what I usually do) but you might come across enemy's which no matter how you try, you can't defeat them quickly enough for your liking and you get impatient and want to carry on with the game. Pause the game and you can change the difficulty at any time. But, the problem with this is that you will miss unlocking related achievement's and not boosting your gamer score (I play on Xbox) - and that best describes my experience's. Chronicle's Of Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena is a game which, unlike myself, couldn't be patient enough and my progress was easily moving about in circle's from point A to point B then point C, but back to point A. It can be troubling finding somewhere new to progress. Assault On Dark Athena is a rather large game to complete.
This game is a first person shooter it is 2019 it is cheap and it is well worth the money. I hope you can finish the game and write your own review. I was just going around in circle's and it was difficult to carry on like I said so then I gave up.