It has several laugh out loud moments, like the Tesla robot immigrants line at the start which misleadingly raised my expectations really high. I was a little excited before hand, didn't know the story or expecting it to be amazing, all I knew was Jack Whitehall in a movie with Shailene Woodley; which are two people I never thought would star in a movie together as romantic lead. And from that point it's exactly how you'd expect it to go. Don't expect anything special. I am a huge fan of Shailene in pretty much everything I've seen her in, and I've watched some of Jack's standup and liked him in jungle cruise.
It was just really cringe for the most part, and as much as I like Jack his role felt miscast, he started off as a player which wasn't believable even if you hadn't seen him in anything else; but as the movie went on he broke character and instead of acting as Charles, glimpses of the Jack's personality in real life broke through. Shailene was great and feels like her talents went wasted.
It had a really low budget and it was very evident throughout; which is fine sometimes but is noticeable when the movie isn't great to begin with. Robots look scary and creepy, the slave ones not the clones. It was a pretty good premise but definitely could've been executed better and it would've covered up the cracks. It also feels much shorter than it actually is, which I think is a positive, rather that than the movie feel drag out.
The characters lacked chemistry and in such a movie that would've been invaluable. It's the type of movie that needs spectacular chemistry or writing in order to pull off, otherwise it flops. I couldn't hate it though because I'm a fan of the actors but in the end, it should've been more romantic and more comedic, so that doesn't bode well for any romcom.