I think my expectations were too high going in. I was born after Elvis died so this is only the second time I've seen him on the big screen (TTWII was the first which was incredible). If you're a big Elvis fan you won't learn anything new. The frustrating thing for me is that I took friends and Elvis' music wasn't featured as much as it should have been so a missed opportunity there. The documentary seemed a little disjointed in parts and oversimplified the movies era as being a write off and diminishing his creativity as an artist during this period which is wrong. He made some amazing music in the 60s. The visual quality was surprisingly fuzzy so no 4k. We get it with the Colonel already, we know he's evil. But he also did a lot for Elvis which included generating the comeback period starting with the How Great Thou Art sessions. Some of Elvis' best music comes after HGTA and before the special. The documentary also suggests that Elvis didn't do much after the special which was extremely frustrating as he accomplished so much after 1968 and most fans I know prefer the late 60s/ early 70s Elvis era as his voice entered the tenor range.