Gnaw otherwise known as Cannibal Kitchen was pretty much doomed from the start for me. For a start it's UK cinema and I don't have the habit of enjoying British stuff very often, second it's cannibal themed and thats a sub-genre I rarely appreciate.
It tells the usual story of a group of 20 somethings who go away together for a weekend of debauchery only to run foul of a psychotic butcher who turns his victims into meals.
The most alarming thing here is the lack of originality. People turn up, get picked off one by one, screaming, stabbing and the obligatory final girl type character. We've seen it so many times that any aspiring filmmaker should surely think twice before releasing such generic garbage like Gnaw.
It has nothing going for it at all. It had one single "Twist" which I predicted within the first quarter of the film. It's just so paint by numbers it made my head hurt.
If you aren't going to try then why even make the movie?
The Good:
The Bad:
Devoid of originality
Predictible nonsense
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
I'm starting a #leavecatsaloneinmovies hashtag, this has to stop!
Common going away with your friends supplies must include pregnancy tests