A close relative watches Wendy from time to time and I can't believe the trash and B' sided garbage that Wendy talks about on National TV. First of all revealing personal private information and cultivating gossip about celebrities and other human beings has seemingly become "hot topics". If Wendy was the victim of such gossip with her twisted insulting opinions, Wendy couldn't handle it. The rumors about her God given Gender, her resemblance to Rupaul, her fake Boobs, fake hair, her denial of a button nose job and claim that she has no false teeth, etc, etc. cause one to question the truth in all this. In other words, where is the real Wendy? Will the real Wendy Williams please step forward? After 1000 episodes Wendy is still challenged to read from a teleprompter and to pronounce the names of Celebs properly!! And then she often gets the facts confused or sometimes associates the wrong persons. These are facts that can be noted on any given segment. Wendy is Judgemental and often harsh as if she or anyone is perfect. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."