Brian A. Metcalf has in under 90 minutes managed to use every cliché from classic the horror and fantasy movies and yet manages to go against everything that makes up a compelling movie for any fan of the genre.
The script, to begin with, is a horrible mess starting off with a narrative ego within a flashback of many making parts of the story over explicit whilst absolutely impossible to engage in. The fact is that it's very hard to grasp (or care) what story line is important and which are less so until the far to drawn-out ending.
The characters act inconsistently all over and the very same threats that oppose them are as often deadly in one scene to be ridiculously easy to defeat in the next.
The scenography and the special effects are flat and ugly and the fighting scenes (there's A LOT of them) mainly consist of monsters running straight into swords.
I think that Metcalf was aiming for a mix of "The Lord of the Rings" and "Night of the Living Dead" but ended up with Uwe Boll's "Dungeons and Dragons" mixing with "Resident Evil" (the first of the video games, if you remember the script and acting in that).
It made me sad to see Brad Dourif wading around in this crap and not even he manages to be free of its stench.