It's like The Fly & Creepshow's They're Creeping Up on You had a baby and named him by a Margin Call.
I LOVE When Animals (Insects) Attack movies and fully support indie films, especially when ambitions such as this. First off, this movie LOOKS GORGEOUS. Head to toe, this movie looks like Ex Machina Meets The Fly. In visuals, plus setting.
But, sadly, it's still just an experiment. I wish the best for these filmmakers. I love how this looks and was shot, but I actually need something more than a prototype.
Obviously mentally ill, but genius Richard Boca woos a woman the same night a mosquito finds its way into his billion-dollar penthouse overlooking Central Park, NYC. He's an analysist for Wall Street and sees horrible things coming in the late 2000s. Also, he's infected with his new friends/roommates, the mosquitoes.
I wanted to love this movie further, but DAMN. For every gorgeously shot scene, there's the "Indie Feel" with light substance. Only one or two characters barely comment on our main character's sudden and disturbing swollen face from his new CGI mosquito roommates he keeps well feed/stocked. And those people being so indifferent...I don't buy it and took me right out of the movie.
If you're a film student, study this for cinematography and acting. Both are top notch. Sadly, the experiment does not pay off and you're left wondering: How Did This Get Made?
Final Thoughts: This DID reinitiate my interest in tighty-whities. I love when an actor can wear some onscreen. Shows real balls. So to speak.