This drama is excruciatingly slow and repetitive with a microseconds of humor here and there. Perhaps its the character dragon (dylan wang) who is suppose to act cool and emotionless most of the time... makes it hard to find a romantic chemistry between the 2 leads. The story spanning 4 life times was very redundant. Was expecting new and exciting, full of action packed stories from each of the lifetimes but sadly every lifetime was almost the same as one another. This drama fell short in my books. Still struggling to finish the last 3 episodes. This drama compared to Love between fairy and devil is night and day. With Love Between Fairy And Devil I binged watch because it was so good. This one.....Im almost calling it quits but feel obligated to finish it since I have already invested so much time into it. Another thing that turned me off about this drama is the soundtrack....its horrible. Music is suppose to bring out certain emotions during certain scenes, but i find I have to turn it down when the music starts playing because it is really that annoying.