Going through rural Arkansas for a camping trip, a group of friends inadvertently offend the locals with their disregard for local laws and are forced to defend themselves from their murderous intentions as they try to get away alive.
This is about as cliché and predictable as it can get in the genre, and there's really no surprises at all in this one. It goes through the predictable notion of the civilized city people running afoul of the inbred rednecks and then getting turned on for their actions, which makes sense in some regard about whether or not to mess with the locals, but the fact that it's been done so much and so often really doesn't leave any room for originality left in this particular scene and that puts this one through the motions of ignoring their warnings, getting caught in the fray, getting captured and tortured only to fight back in the end as the survivors try to escape, and this has been done so many times recently it's rather hard to get interested in this one due to being so close to a lot of other types of films. What also hurts this one is the fact that, regardless of the familiarity here, it's nearly impossible to get invested when the people here are gigantic, colossal morons who really have no business surviving for the blatant, utterly nonsensical scenes which start off the furor against everyone as that tends to be so cliché and lifeless that making us want to be around them is really hard to accomplish. That said, there's a nice level of brutality that runs throughout this one as the tortures inflicted are shockingly brutal and twisted, all the more so for the fact that it seems entirely possible people like them came up with such a series of scenes to accomplish this, and that leaves a high blood-splatter throughout which is quite fun. As well, the final half is easily the best with a strong series of chases and encounters that tends to really get some involvement going in their quest for survival and race to escape, and that makes for some intense times there. It's enough to rise it up slightly, but there's still too much wrong on a philosophical standpoint to help this one.
Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Brief Nudity and attempted rape.