The story by Creanga upon which this is based is essential reading in elementary school and a cautionary tale for children which has been adapted many times, perhaps most famously in the rock musical "Mama" (1976). This is a fond memory for many Romanians, so quite a few will be peeved to see it turned into a folk horror piece (like the infinitely worse Winnie the Pooh gore).
But I am from Transylvania and the story made sense in the past as there are many small farms scattered in the countryside which used to be targeted by thieves. Also, there are lots of stories about people turning crazy in our long winters, so this somber uptake is more on point than city dwellers may believe. We invented werewolves, after all (not vampires, they're from Serbia). The finish is how the story actually ends so it's more brutal than Little Red Riding Hood.
Maia Morgenstern is an icon of 1990s cinema, her best known film is probably "The Oak" (1992) by Lucian Pintilie but she hasn't done much in the past years, this is a great comeback for her.