Father Peter (Colm Meaney) is wrapping up his duties for the evening. That's interrupted by a knock on the door. Victor (Stephen Moyer), armed with a gun and bleeding, enters. The first thing Victor wants to know is how many exits the church has. Father Peter and Victor start to talk and eventually begin to find common ground, perhaps more than they would like to admit. The dialogues are very good and there is very little physical action. The tension comes from the back and forth as allegations are made on all sides and at the same time you have to determine who to trust. This movie is full with twists and surprises as the night wears on. Some of these are shocking, others are just ordinary and a couple are borderline believable. The acting of Colm Meaney (Father Peter) and Stephen Moyer (Victor) was good. A meagre performance of Clare-Hope Ashitey (Willow). This is a good movie but if you are looking for action, like the cover suggests, this one is not for you. To enjoy this movie, you need to be very patient.