Knew it was a B movie going in. Love a creature feature on a Saturday night with the hubby! Dragons are my favorite! But this ?! This was sad. In a B movie you're "monster" is supposed to be "cheesy". That's what makes them so much fun! Usually the actors can at least act like they're terrified of whatever is after them. These guys are just standing there. No emotion. Getting eaten.
O. There is a few ... yells? & then stand there covering their eyes! LOL! After the 1st few minutes it wasn't even funny anymore. We added our own commentary for the rest of the movie. We were committed - we paid to watch this S*** SHOW!
The best part? The best part I kid you not... was the very last part... (not just because it's finally over) the last scene before credits.... We laughed till we cried!! 🤣