There are lots of things that are not told to us in the beginning or middle of this movie. We do not know who are the characters, where they came from or how they started their relationships. The truth is, we do not need to know that. What we need and by the end of the movie what we want to acknowledge is that this is a movie about love (or different types of love). A movie about grieve and it's most different ways of being expressed. A movie about people and about the way they struggle through their lives to hide what they really are and what or who they really role. This is a movie about loss and pain and also about joy and happiness. In the end, this a movie about being human.
The script is remarkable and it runs away from the clichés and the preconceived ideas you might take while you are walking in the projection room. But even more remarkable are the 3 main characters and the actors who portray them. Cristian Mercado delivers a masterclass in acting. By a comfortable mile, one of the best male acting performances of the year. What is most admirable is the way Mercado can express Miguel's painful grievance: the loss of his lover, the acceptance of what he really his and the loss of his beloved wife and son - there are no hysteric portraits of loss. What you get to see is a outstanding performance focused on the facial and physical expression. Also fantastic the the performance by the Mexican actress Tatiana Astengo.
Could this be one of the front runners for the Best Foreing Language movie of the year? No doubt about it.