I watched the film last Sunday with high expectation. Before that, I watched "Sun kissed", which is from the same director. I did like "Sun kissed" very much as a very creative gay-themed independent film for its twisted storyline and frequent switching between reality and imaginary. After watching "Eulogy for a vampire", I personally don't like it as much as the "sun kissed". I would say the "Eulogy for a Vampire" is a very ambitious film. The director put so many elements into this film, the Hitchcock style horror, religions, vampire legend, B class film raw blood, sin and vengeance, and of course homosexuality. It is very interesting to see so many controversial topics in one film, and the chemical reactions among them. However, the film seems lose its consistence in its story telling and cinema style. The whole story happened in a closed space and the chaos was caused by an intruder with the ghost vampire. This frame is a typical scary story. I enjoyed the switching between the blur, non-realistic screen and normal clear, well focused shooting inside of the house, just like "Mother and son" by Sokurov and "The assassination of Jesses James " , however, some of the blur dark scenes are too much in this film and it is a little bit uncomfortable for the visual purpose.
If you like light horror film, plus raw bloody fresh scene in B class films, and you don't decline to watch men sexual action between monks, you may want to try this alternative vampire film.