Stumbling upon the 2022 action thriller "Run and Gun" by random chance and seeing that the movie had Mark Dacascos on the cast list, of course I had to sit down and watch what writer and director Christopher Borrelli had to offer.
And while "Run and Gun" certainly was watchable, it just wasn't a particularly outstanding or memorable action thriller. In fact, there are far better action thrillers out there, which makes "Run and Gun" feel like a very bland and generic one actually. It is good enough for a single viewing, but that is about all it had to offer. And I bet 24 hours after having seen it, the memory of the movie will be fading away.
The storyline told in "Run and Gun", as written by Christopher Borrelli, was just too mediocre and bland. There was nothing riveting or particularly exciting about the things that transpired in the movie. And the narrative didn't really have much of any ongoing momentum or drive, so it felt like the action thriller was mostly running in Neutral gear.
I wasn't familiar with Ben Milliken (playing Ray), whom had the lead part in the movie. He was actually a fair enough actor and worked well enough with the limitations imposed by an improper script and storyline. Mark Dacascos was good in the movie, just a shame that he hadn't a larger role to play. It was actually quite fun to watch Richard Kind in the role that he portrayed.
If you enjoy action thrillers, then "Run and Gun" is not the best of choices.
I am rating "Run and Gun" a less than mediocre four out of ten stars.