The group behind RE:ANIME is amazing at taking an anime and its most amazing moments and bringing them to life. I cried when I saw Naruto in in this and saw how cool and realistic and badass a live action Naruto film could be. II grew up watching Naruto believe he would be hokage even if he was the only one who believed it at the time! I grew up watching Naruto and his friends grow up with me and save the world. I love how this series focuses on one character really really well. It is so well paced and played out that it can be watched in small bite sized episodes or one epic movie on tv scree. I let my boy cousins watch this on my phone broadcasted to tv. They loved shikamaru in the anime and this being a bit edgier and having the naughty words left in made them feel like it was a more mature and cool experience Shikamaru was my favorite Naruto friend from the beginning because him sleeping to avoid responsibility is so real. He is so funny and relatable. I think shikamaru for better or worse had the most well rounded home life. I Stan the Nara clan. I firmly believe Shikaku made the boys in anime club men when he addressed holding trauma in. When shikamaru ugly cried you best believe we all did too and Shikaku followed it up with vowing to be present and supportive of his struggling son and then actually doing ti. You can tell that the people making it loved the characters and cared about how things were made to not look cringe or artificial. This is what live action remakes should be. It made me emotional because it was truly beautiful visually while also being wonderfully acted and written. The actor who portrayed Hidan was SO good, like...if Hollywood remakes Naruto in theaters avengers style he better be the first one called. He is what I pictured that guy would look like in real life. The movie is so good at making anime outfits look real but not cringy. They knew when to stick to the script and when to not let things get too cartoony. I'm sorry but this is the best adaptation I have seen of this series so far and it is also the only one I've seen successfully and CONSISTANTLY produce a anime live action remake that not only better with each new addition and they can do it on a small crowdfunded budget. Someone get it together and hire these people to make the actual blockbuster movie. Otherwise I guarentee It will be just another lackluster and poorly executed remake. Naruto live action has to be amazing and given the same kind of budget and care that we see for every major cinematic saga. Naruto is the Harry Potter of anime and the first real chance of an anime movie being a blockbuster hit. I mean YouTube Naruto live action and tell me that it's not out of place and awkward when you see orichamaru burst into song. It was so cool...until I couldn't take it seriously because suddenly everyone was in a weird musical episode of Naruto. I just think the only way we will get a good naurto remake is for big production companies to give their financial backing to the professionals who have roleplayed as ninjas since the chunine exams aired live. You can't tell me that the best one to write a Naruto movie is not the kid who has been writing the movie in their head since childhood and now has the adult budget to make it be so freaking cool.