I'm doing this review after the 3rd episode, but I must say I'm looking forward to the rest. I confess watching for Kate Box, who, in my opinion, is one of those rare actresses who always plays her roles perfectly. I'd also recommend Wentworth (even if she only comes towards the end, as the whole series is a masterpiece) and Rake. From the reviews, I understand that it's not for everyone. The most important thing for this series is to take it for what it is: a comedy. I made the mistake, it seems like many others, of believing it was a drama with comic elements, and I have to say that the first few minutes consisted of arduous viewing. It was only after the sequence of police cars dramatically heading in one direction before turning around to continue their journey just as dramatically, that I changed my view of the series. Indeed, the characters are practically all caricatures: the wife of the main character, usually a man but still, who is bored to death and spends her time worrying about whether her wife has eaten properly; the teenagers who wander around finding all sorts of corpses and clues; the coroner and his music that tires everyone; the younger polices who can't tell their left from their right, and so on. In short, Deadloch pokes fun at the clichés of police intrigues- because is it really true that only women poison...? - and serves us a humorous series in which we can still look for a culprit.