This animated series is set aboard a spacecraft far from Earth. It travelled to its destination unmanned for reasons that are explained then its crew are created on a biological 3D printer. They are each copies of other people and their job will be to terraform a planet that will ultimately provide a new home for humanity. A solar flare during the printing process causes something to go wrong; one of the crew comes out as a monstrous creature that could be a threat to the others. That won't be the last problem they face.
If you are looking for plenty of action and one story per episode you are likely to be disappointed but if you are looking for something more slow burn there is plenty to enjoy here. Inevitably there are some clichés but I still enjoyed the series. The character designs are very distinctive; at first I thought they were a bit too odd but they grew on me as the series progressed. The story provides some good tense moments well as twists that weren't too obvious. Overall I'd recommend this to sci-fi fans who also enjoy animated shows.