Over fifteen years have passed since the mysterious disappearance of Heather Donahue in the Black Hills Forest, but her brother James (James Allen McCune) still hasn't given up hope of finding her alive. When found video footage surfaces on YouTube showing what might be a fleeting glimpse of Heather, James leads a group of friends to Burkittsville, and into the woods supposedly inhabited by the Blair Witch.
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 might not have been a very good sequel, but at least it tried to do something a little different to the first film. This reboot for the Blair Witch franchise smacks of laziness and greed, the makers simply rehashing the original movie for a new generation.
This film takes advantage of the advances in technology, with digital headsets and a drone used by the characters, but director Adam Wingard is, for the most part, content to regurgitate the same old, same old: strange noises outside the tents at night, stick men suspended from the trees, piles of rocks, the characters seemingly walking in circles, and a frantic finale in a creepy old house covered in children's hand-prints.
About the only part of the film that doesn't feel tired and predictable is a claustrophobic crawl through a cramped tunnel by final girl Lisa (Callie Hernandez); after all of these years, we deserved more.