"O. D. Overdose Digital" is a strange and thrilling short film about the weird connection made by a frightening drug dealer (Francisco Gaspar) and his
addicted costumer (Leonardo Miggiorin) at a fearful night when the latter comes to the dealer house to score more drugs when he starts to feel ill without
them. The dealer makes him deal: he can get more without paying but the young guy will have to make a job for him where he'll have to appear in a mysterious
photoshoot. Long night ahead and will the dealer's perversion be fulfilled?
Carefully edited and photographed with his split screen capturing the tension and actions of both characters, the film delivers suspense and curiosity
with its strange themes and with the dialogues from the characters, specially the menacing drug dealer. Too much mystery involved and we are curious to find
out about the kind of photos the young addict will have to provide for the dealer, you can feel the suspense in the air but when the moment comes it takes
some time to find out what happened later on when the henchmens appear on the scene.
I liked it and I can recommend it but I'm not so much enthusiastic as some other viewers from the film are. Good job. 7/10.