Porcelain (2024) is a film I recently watched on Shudder. The storyline follows a young woman who learns of her father's passing and visits his home in hopes of understanding him better. As she explores his belongings, she uncovers the reasons behind their estrangement and dark secrets about her family's past.
This film is directed by and stars Nicole Cinaglia in her directorial debut and features Hunter Johnson (The Black Mass), Joe Raffa (Film Fest), Angel Anthony Marrero (Garlic and Gunpowder), and Ellen Boscov (Saturday Night).
I decided to watch this because it was new on Shudder, but it's a low-budget film, and unfortunately, it feels that way. The writing, acting, and dialogue fall short, making it difficult to stay engaged. The horror elements are inconsistent; the spirit has potential in a few scenes but appears too briefly, making those moments feel rushed and incomplete. There are setups with promise, but abrupt cutaways disrupt the flow and prevent any real suspense or intensity from building. The practical effects are underwhelming, and once you see them, the tension dissipates entirely.
In conclusion, Porcelain lacks any notable redeeming qualities. I recommend skipping it. I'd score this a 2/10.