I rented this movie thinking it was a run of th mill "spooky little evil kids in a haunted house" affair, but got a pleasant surprise, as it turned out to be a real thriller. other reviewers are right - the marketing on this one was really off. i'm impressed that this movie had me thinking all the way through. It does get confusing about 3/4 the way through,but try to keep up, as it does come together nicely in the end. the acting is excellent, very solid performances. Daniel Craig can go from "good looking suburban hubby" to "creepy nutcase" with ease. One thing that really grated on me was the wife's grating voice,; every time she screamed or even raised her voice, it was like nails on chalkboard. I was very impressed with the children's acting, especially the older one. all in all, a good solid thriller, well worth the $6 rental fee.