Full disclosure- I actually checked this out because I heard on a Podcast how bad the last part was and wanted to see it for myself. I started watching it and the first thing I thought was- the end must be REALLY Bad because the beginning and middle were both really funny so he must just tank and go down in flames at the end. To my happy surprise though- he didn't.
True, this is not your typical set-up\punchline\next joke kind of special and if that's what you're looking for, you're not going to enjoy it. Instead of a show where you are going to be chuckling\laughing at a barrage of jokes to the pace of maybe 35 times in an hour, you'll get maybe 15-20 laughs in throughout the course of his special; they take time but they are well earned.
I don't think that I would take someone to see this show on a first date. It exhibits and requires way too much empathy, introspection, and vulnerability to comfortably display in front of someone that you don't know; but I would highly recommend it for anyone who is a fan of this type of comedy.
Maybe the one thing I'd say that would alleviate some of the criticism is to leave the last 5 minutes in (loved it and wouldn't change a word) but maybe not to END the special like that; kind of leaves the audience in a cerebral shell-shocked place and at the end of the day your audience paid to be entertained so I think that you have to end it with a laugh just so they walk out of there feeling good because of that last shot of serotonin.
I'll definitely be looking for any upcoming specials that he has.