I remember when this came out having absolutely no interest, though the solid cast appealed nothing else did. Now I've seen it I see that I was wrong, mostly.
Starring Liev Schreiber, Elias Koteas and Olivia Williams the film has no issues with it's cast. The premise being of the horror sci-fi type was not what I expected and I certainly mean that in a good way!
The film was interestingly constructed, had my attention and when the first encounter took place it had me gripped. This was good! This was really good and I couldn't wait to see where this adventure was going to go.
Sadly shortly after the quality starts to dip, the potential I saw gets thrown in the trash and the incredible movie I foresaw faded away. Gone was the premise, gone was the tension, gone was the interest.
Sure it doesn't get bad, but it doesn't retain the same quality and it certainly doesn't utilize its potential. I was fascinated by this concept so why did they have to drop the ball so badly? There are so few movies that deal with such subject matter so when one comes out and wastes it's opportunity it's heartbreaking.
The Last Days on Mars is still a watchable affair but damn it should have been so very much better.
The Good:
Starts strong
Great cast
The Bad:
Quality dips hard
Disappointing ending