I am a huge Jon Benjamin fan. Archer is on my weekly watch list, and I have all the episodes recorded so I can continually watch. Benjamin was also brilliant in Important Things with Demetri Martin, so my hopes were pretty high for this new show.
At first, things started off pretty badly. The first two sketches were dull and overdone; kind of like a high school writing class, the show was telling rather than showing.
After those however, the show just took off. The "You can't shoot here" sketch had me crying; Benjamin's voice mixed into awesome subtitles and an overall hysterical sketch made for the hardest laugh I've had in a while. The ongoing "Push the producer over the border" sketch was incredibly original and funny, nothing else to it. Benjamin's line, being in the pilot episode, "As you surely remember from our last episode," had me crying.
To fans of Archer, you will not be disappointed. Just about every line could be a possible Archer quote, which obviously sweetens the deal. To people who have not yet heard of Jon Benjamin, give this show a chance; some sketches may be too dry and repetitive, but I guarantee that as the show goes on, you will grow to love it. This show is not meant for the Tosh.0 audience who enjoys watching random videos with homosexual jokes (I grew tired of Tosh after the first season), so not the best show for Comedy Central to have it slotted after.
For 20-50 year olds however, this show has the possibility of being an instant classic with quotable lines and sketches that will no doubt be repeated by college kids everywhere.