This Edgar Wallace Mystery should had been very intriguing but turned out to be very pedestrian.
Sir Harold Crossley (Maurice Denham) is an experienced defence barrister who has just successfully defended Martin Somers (TP McKenna) from a murder charge.
Somers was not only accused of killing a woman but a psychiatrist believes that he has a hatred of women and will kill again.
Crossley has a much younger wife who fools around and wants a divorce. Crossley sees an opportunity to take revenge on his wife and maybe marry a junior barrister that he has his eye on.
He employs Somers as a chauffeur and then plans to kill his wife and frame Somers. A great plan but Somers has his suspicion and the barrister Crossley lusts after has her eye on someone else.
This B movie never really gets going barely simmers. It is good to see actors such as McKenna and Peter Barkworth in early roles and gives the movie more credibility than it deserves. Crossley should had just divorced his wife.