So from the preview, I really couldn't wait to see this moving. I could tell it wasn't going to be a stand-out movie with outstanding acting, but rather simple, basic, and from the heart. And since I prefer sincere over production overkill, this was a clear choice to watch.
However, it didn't totally meet my expectations. The editing was sloppy, the audio was all over the place, and the story was shoddily pieced together. They had a wonderful story to tell, but really failed to put it together in a clean way that any audience could enjoy. A little more thought on how to string all the scenes together and a little more attention to detail (especially the audio) would have saved this film and made it an instant winner.
That being said, for anyone who loves watching new, creative stories lines, and more so for anyone who is a music lover, this is a must see. The story line itself is great, it just wasn't "told" very well. The acting is adequate (it isn't so bad to call attention to itself, which actually is perfect for this kind of film). But above all, the music is fantastic.
In the end, this is a great watch if your into music and scripts, but it's flaws will probably be overpowering for the average person (which is a shame, because the music and the story really could have provided the backbone to make this an indie classic).