I'm a big fan of the UK Skins. So when I heard there was going to be a US version I was a little apprehensive.
After watching the first episode, well, I was just disappointed. The entire episode, while exactly the same as the UK one, just didn't have the necessary spark to it.
The acting is very mediocre and needs to be improved on greatly. I get that this is the first acting gig that they've had, so I'll let that slid just a little. Some of the actors aren't necessarily as bad as the other, which gives the show some tolerability.
Having watched the second episode, which is completely new, I can say that some faith is restored. This episode is better than the first and gives a story line that I personally can't wait to see expanded on.
All I can say is that, I hope by season 2 (should it get that far!) the actors will have improved and will win over the viewers more.
With a little more work, this show could potentially catch up to the UK one.