This is such a fun show and both leads (Mae Whitman and Carlos Valdes) are terrific...Especially together. The music is a surprisingly beneficial addition to the premise of the show - characters stuck in their own minds. There are many comedic moments that could be overly cheesy if the cast wasn't spot-on. As it is, I wouldn't be disappointed if plot and musical numbers were given more intricacies and weight in the next season, but regardless, I believe this show will find itself beloved by many if given the chance. It is the perfect cocktail of funny characters, a romance to root for and backstory in which to be interested. The writers need to lean into their two leads - their chemistry as well as their ability to handle serious and comedic acting. Also, just keep sprinkling in the randomness. Freaking loved the rats scene! It was terrible yet hilarious and Mae Whitman and Carlos Valdes made it work.