PROS: A good pro to acknowledge was how intense the movie was. You truly got scared. I don't think a person could watch this and not be at the edge of their seats. At the beginning of the movie there was something off, which really set the whole tone/mood for the rest of the film. As the movie continued and the mayhem kept enlarging you ended up getting completely engulfed in the entirety of the movie. You were scared when the director wanted you to be, you were sad when the director wanted you to be, and you were amazed when the director wanted you too be which is remarkable because it is so rare to have a director to have full control over your emotions
Just simply remarkable.
CONS: Besides basic mishaps there were other large things that I felt actually hurt the movie. For starters the acting was meh. I don't feel that they really even were there. They could've been nonexistent and not even of hurt the storyline at all. This also says something about the storyline. Although I really respect creativity in horror movies, especially movies that make their own genre by themselves,but for me personally I din't really get what any of anything meant. Whats the door? Whats the fog? Whats the key? If anyone has any good answers please let me know!