This show and actress is a joke. Watched a show where a little boy (8yo) brought an MP3 player to Sunday school and the instructor took it away for a week and never returned it and this so called judge ruled in his favor...
She has no clue about law and/or fairness...
1 - taking another persons property without permission is theft (instructor is guilty) - should have just had the child put it away.
2 - instructor claims that he was going to replace content with music of his choice - he has no right to alter content, it isn't his property to alter (instructor is guilty)..
3 - instructor claims that the mp3 was lost or stolen and assumes no responsibility... wrong again, he took it and the responsibility is totally his to either return it or pay for a new one...
This so called judge asked many questions which were not necessary... Fact - the instructor took the MP3 player from a child and promised to return it and didn't --- no further questions need be asked - return the item or pay for a replacement...
This woman doesn't know law or even common sense.. if this instructor took my sons MP3 and refuse to return it or pay for a replacement, I would have thrashed the sob... He steals from kids and the stupid judge sides in with him - the judge (actress - Gloria Allred) is a total joke...she's an idiot...