One could perceive this as an indie/alternative documentary and there is nothing wrong with that. However i feel that even when you would see this documentary as such the shots remain very awkward and "sad", you can claim that it was done on purpose however that even makes it worse for me. Throughout the documentary i had a few big questions towards the story,scenes and people within the Docu: que significado, Why am i watching this, why do i need to know this and why do other people want to see this? I guess that i should have read the storyline before watching it, but then again never judge a Docu by its storyline. Overall this docu was unable to convey a clear story and it left me with a feeling that could be compared to standing in the rain while longing for home. That could be the emotion that the directors wanted you to have, or at least would be OK with conveying such an emotion to the viewer. Here again i don't think that would be such a bad thing if the storyline had some kind of significance to it.