Victor Salva is a very talented director, that's a given, we have the 2 Jeepers Creepers film to thank him for, and a lot of people are very disappointed with his latest effort Rosewood Lane, pretty much straight away I realized that I was watching a very different type of Salva film, obviously the budget is a lot lower than the Jeepers films and this is less of a horror and more of a drama with a supernatural/ thrill edge to it. The story is slightly similar to other movies of the past, but because this has the supernatural twist and the constant guessing throughout it makes it not just a rehash if something already done, in saying that this is really a film that will leave you guessing right up until the end, and you may or may not like the ending but I guess it's 50 50.
Rose McGowan has a great screen presence, she has a kind of sweetness and honesty to her that really make you like the characters she plays, and she can carry an entire film quite easily I think, I hope more directors see what a great investment she could be. The youngster who plays the villain is is also really good, the fact that he is always smiling kinda creeped me out a bit, which is good because that's the point I guess.
Yes it's no Jeepers Creepers, but it is something a little different, people should give it a go, they may enjoy it, just don't go in expecting full strength horror, expect a thrilling drama that will scratching your head afterwards.
Enjoy :)