Another evening browsing the unknowns on Sky Movies and I find my way to this little gem.
I knew nothing about it beforehand and had no idea what to expect - having been sorely let down by previous American comedies of recent years I really wasn't expecting anything to enjoy.
Some highlights - The taxi ride from the restaurant, it was well written and introduced 'twunt' to my vocabulary -and "Chugga Chugga Chugga Choo Choo" !! It's not laugh out loud all the way through and certainly not completely 'gross-out' as advertised. But it is a very real kind of humour that most people do as part of everyday life, or think about at least - "What do you think I do in the bathroom every morning - I masturbate for an hour with your electric tooth brush - it's more powerful than mine!" - from the main female character!
Lucy Punch is the highlight of the film for me, she has the style and flow of a slapstick actress who isn't afraid to push the boat with a distinct British comedic feel - why does she remind me of a female Simon Pegg?! Besides the main storyline of Barry Burke and Melanie Miller we see the love lives or lack of them from Barry's friends and although not necessary to see, it does add a fresh level to the movie which is nice to see - it also makes for some very funny situational comedy when they go away together.
It does have a low production quality which is a shame as I feel a bigger budget would have done this film better. Yet, the script is very good and there are some VERY funny moments in there, especially the dynamics between the two main characters and their 'better living' friends.
If you've got nothing else to watch and you're looking for a good comedy film that is different from the rest, then you can't go wrong with this.