The iconic character Pradosh Chandra Mitra alias Feluda created by none but Satyajit Ray takes one to the boyhood days and the thrill and excitement of the childhood days. Among the detective characters created by several renowned writers in Bengali, Feluda has been most impacting. This is what the mastery of Ray as a writer who opened a new door of literature for children in Bengali which became trend-setter in Indian literature as well. Ray's mastery of characterization and the unique thematic appeal make his detective novels so unique. Mere utterance of the name of Feluda projects a smart young man, very clever, well-versed in different languages, in-depth knowledge and the inimitable style and trajectory smoking, thinking and having great sense of humour.
Several actors have performed the role of Feluda, his cousin Topshe and the detective novelist Lalmohan Ganguly alias Jatayu so far. The saga starting from Saumitra Chatterjee has been continuing till date. But the second season, titled 'Feludar Goyendagiri': Bhuswargo Bhoyonkawr' directed by Srijit Mukherjee has some unique characteristics. One is obviously the effort to make it relevant in today's context. The action goes on in Kashmir and web series refers to insurgency and other issues to make it more relevant. But this is really hard to say whether Ray referred such sensitive issues in the original writing. Nevertheless, as these do not seem alienated from the crime story, the narrative should be credited. Similarly, the direction seems really good in the Second Season Bhuswargo Bhoyonkawr.
However, the credit definitely goes to Tota Roy Chaudhury for his brilliant performance in the role of Feluda. In fact, Tota Roy Chaudhury has enacted this character with far more perfection compared to others. Similarly, Anirban Chakraborty is excellent as usual. But the talent like Rajatava Dutta does not seem to get that much space to show talent. Anyway, the Web Series is excellent and much watch one for the youngsters.