Dieci minuti, directed by Maria Sole Tognazzi, offers a gentle exploration of personal growth and self-discovery. The story follows Bianca (Margherita Buy), a woman navigating an existential crisis who embarks on a transformative journey by dedicating just ten minutes a day to something new. While the film's concept is intriguing, its execution is uneven, though not without moments of charm.
Margherita Buy delivers a nuanced performance, capturing Bianca's vulnerability and resilience with her signature grace. Barbara Ronchi provides strong support, bringing warmth and relatability to the film's quieter moments. Together, they create an authentic emotional core that grounds the story.
Maria Sole Tognazzi's direction is understated, focusing on the subtleties of daily life rather than grandiose gestures. While this approach suits the introspective nature of the narrative, the pacing can feel sluggish at times, and the script, co-written with Francesca Archibugi, occasionally leans on predictable resolutions.
Visually, the film is elegant, with warm cinematography that enhances its contemplative tone. However, the thematic exploration of reinvention and self-care lacks the depth needed to make a more profound impact.
Dieci minuti is a modestly inspiring film that reminds us of the power of small changes. It doesn't break new ground, but it offers enough heart to resonate with viewers seeking an introspective, feel-good experience.
6/10 - a thoughtful but somewhat uneven story of personal transformation.