First of all, I have to admit I'm not into short horror movies, but there's always a first time for everything, right!? The plot of the movie was interesting and mysterious, but it wasn't innovative because there are many horror movies similar to this one. The storyline was very simple, but it was still kinda well-written. The casting choices weren't well-known actresses and their performances were just fine. In my opinion, it wasn't a scary movie and there weren't any jumpscares, but it was kinda creepy. I have to admit, I thought it was gonna be like "Mirrors" (2008), but eventually it was something totally different. The ending scene was predictable, but it was still just fine. Moreover, the cinematography and the score of the movie were both well done. Overall, "Don't Look in the Mirror" was an average short horror film, kinda creepy and I would probably recommend it to anyone.