Proud to be a part of screening the Assamese movie "Tora's husband" in the San Francisco bay area. It is beautifully directed by oscar nominated film director Rima Das. Throughout the film you can see the uniqueness and the beauty of her direction. She was able to put together so many messages in a very natural and subtle way using common scenes from rural and urban Assam.
You can feel the mental struggle of Jan, a middle aged father of two, who in spite of being a compassionate man and trying to help everyone around him has to live with the fact that his wife thinks "he is a good man but a bad husband". I like how Rima Das was portraying that the husband has to live in separate worlds and the difficulty faced by him in balancing his attention among all these worlds - The world of the community, the world with his kids, the world with his workers, The world with his friends, the world with his mother and sister and the world with his wife . And his addiction to alcoholism, which by the way is a real problem not only in Assam but in entire India, is not helping him either. I like the part where he being a champion athlete and a mentally strong person helping everyone in need was telling his mother, his sister and wife that he too needs help and support from the women in his life .
Great job Rima Das.