Premature is a 2014 film directed by Dan Beers, with great performance by Alan Tudyk as supporting actor and with Katie Findlay, a young, charismatic Canadian actress that I've see previously in the movie The Philosophers, 2014, sharing starring roles with John Karna. The Welsh and talented Craig Roberts also appears in a supporting role. The movie is very acceptable, it is a much better movie, in my humble opinion than The Breakfast Club or Karate Kid if we want to talk about coming of age movies, It is not La vie d'Adele obviously because this a comedy, but an entertaining one. The premise of the movie, unfortunately, is an absolute copy cat of the enormous classic "Groundhog Day". A day that repeats itself mysteriously, for a virgin teenager in this case who is struggling to have his life back to normal and trying in the process to lose his virginity. Recommendable