I watched this movie stupidly thinking it was one of the Alien vs Predator line of movies. God was I wrong. This is arguably one of the worst movies I've ever watched. It gives a 5 minute clumsy attempt at movie making by pimpled prepubescent geeks a real run for their $5 budget. The show was probably shot on a $100 budget and about $80 was put into designing a real kickass poster. Then the director though," Hmm. Another $10. What can I do with that?? Well, let me just grab a bunch of desperate superstar wannabes and offer them a shot at stardom if they each contribute another $100 to my budget! Brilliant!!" Well unfortunately it's quite likely the investment put in by the wannabe superstars won't be paying off anytime soon. The director should be thrown in the slammer for grievous waste of viewers' time and irreversible brain rot. This movie is not worse your time or money for rental. Avoid it like the plague even if someone pays you to watch it. (Unless you're in the mood for exchanging some brain cells for a couple of bucks)