As a fan of Resident Evil, zombies and Romero, this documentary took me by surprise. I didn't know of its making, so faced with the news it had just been released piqued my curiosity. It proves to be moderately interesting, but diluted by uninspired structure and is ultimately unsure as to what it really is about.
Just to prove my Resident Evil chops, I was well aware of the near mythological tales of what-could-have-been Romero's Resident Evil and even read his script for it back in the day. I'm also in the camp of those who think Paul W. S. Anderson's take on the franchise is an abomination that should never have had any tangent to the Resident Evil universe. This means that I've often ruefully wondered about why Romero wasn't allowed to bring his considerably more faithful version to life.
Brandon Salisbury's take on the matter is a scattered one, diluted with narration and script read outs, but not without moments of charm and intrigue. It definitely tells a story, covering a lot of ground on both the RE franchise and Romero's legacy. After briefly introducing Romero as a creator, it goes on to the origin of the Resident Evil series. For about twenty minutes it then delves into what I thought the main topic would be about, how Romero's Resident Evil came to (not) be, before becoming a full-on ode to Romero himself.
The homage to Romero is the best part of the film and, to its merit, it does also answer the question of why his version of Resident Evil didn't come about.
Part of the reason why the tribute works best, is because of the colour brought by many of the people who were interviewed, obviously touched by Romero not only as an artist, but also as a person. This works well, even if there's very little from Romero himself in this film. It also delves into some interesting curiosities about the latter part of his career and his legacy, which leaves the distinct feeling that a movie focused on Romero would have had more to say.
Like the Resident Evil franchise, this documentary is torn between finding a commercial niche and telling something worth watching and listening to. It's going to be kind of interesting for fans of Resident Evil, but anyone who cares about this particular intersection of history, will probably know most of the things GA Romero's Resident Evil has to say.