I watched 'Gutshot Straight' solely because of my interest in poker, I appreciate a good gambling movie and that seemed to be what a title like that spells out. I didn't expect much from it which I think benefited my viewing unlike others who thought it was going to be an action trip. It's very much a low level attempt at film noir with merely average results.
A down and out poker player in Vegas, Jake (George Eads) gets offered an opportunity to make big money from a wealthy gambler (Stephen Lang). Which soon involves his beautiful wife (AnnaLynne McCord) and it's both readily apparent to the viewer and Jake alike that he's caught in the middle of two people and schemes that could get him killed if he doesn't navigate it correct. Complicating matters is Lewis (Ted Levine) - the wealthy gamblers unhinged brother - who shows up looking for answers and Jake's debt to a local loan shark (Steven Seagal).
Here's some notes in case you watched the stylish trailer already ... this isn't an action film. Secondly it's not a legit Steven Seagal movie like some people are talking it up to be. Most of the big faces make brief appearances that were properly shot quickly over a day or two max and the film is trying it's hardest to mask it's low budget. Vinnie Jones plays Seagal's right hand man & muscle and oddly Tia Carrera shows up for one scene only at a casino bar.
George Eads (who most people will know from CSI) spends a lot of the movie slinking around in a fedora. The filmmakers don't flash a big obvious sign to tell you he's dumb, but the fact that he loves to chase gutshot straights playing poker, drives a crappy car and is in hock to at least one loan shark says enough. Easy money is never really easy is it?
Eads is likeable however as the main character and McCord is easy on the eyes even if she isn't able to completely nail the deceptive femme fatale. All and all, 'Gutshot Straight' was a harmless view. It didn't deliver the gambling movie fix I was hoping for and it doesn't have the right credentials to pull off the noir angle it was intending to accomplish though.