While I was not familiar with this 2024 movie from director Laura Murphy, I opted to watch it as I had the opportunity to do so here in 2025. Truth be told, I didn't know hat I was in for, and thus had no expectations to the movie. So I suppose that director Laura Murphy had every opportunity to entertain and impress me.
Writers Ivan Diaz, Dan Scheinkman and Meghan Brown put together a fair enough script and storyline, though the narrative was a bit mundanely paced. I was sort of missing more thrills and excitement in the movie. But the writers concocted a narrative that paces along in a monotonous pace, and there wasn't really a lot of thrills to be experiences throughout the course of the 97 minutes that the movie ran for.
I was not familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, aside from actor Jedidiah Goodacre. And I do enjoy watching unfamiliar talents on the screen when I sit down to watch a movie. The acting performances in the movie were good.
A bit disappointing, but overall a watchable enough movie for what it was. It was, though, a somewhat forgettable and bland thriller.
My rating of director Laura Murphy's 2024 movie lands on a five out of ten stars.