How that franchise has fallen from exciting and riveting to crass and predictable in the span of 4 sequels is saddening.
This 5th installment is basically a redux of the 3rd one, with a similar set-up and a just as forgettable cast of characters. It unevenly tries to maintain a balance between slasher, backwoods & gore but has none of the jump-out-of-your-seat thrills of the former and dispatches the second midway through the movie. So we are left with gore, and plenty of in a mean and disgusting way. The kills are traditionally inventive and bloody in the "Wrong Turn" franchise, but now they're just meant to induce nausea. The creatures slowly feed a bimbo her entrails, slowly smash a hunk's knees to smithereens, slowly burn a drunkard in a can, you got it, it's got to be slow and mean and disgusting. And the creatures laugh maniacally throughout it all, as if the director expected its audience to laugh with them at their victims' misery. I found it mean, gratuitous and insulting and came out of this seating feeling dirty and cheap.
On a positive note, there's some good sex scenes that are a throwback to more "innocent" slashers, and the sheriff had presence and gusto. It also looks slick and professional, which does not excuse its zero values.