In the beginnig promising, yet in the end disappointing horror. One thing I had to give to "Perpetrator" is that it didn't play it safe and tried to bring new twists into the horror genre. On the other hand it tried to incorporate silly, almost humorous, scenes which felt out of place, instead of some actually creepy and frightening moments it relied heavily on gore and blood, which was more disgusting than scary, and I felt like Kiah McKirnan, the actress in the role of the protagonist, struggled to emotionally connect with her character. What also completely disrupted me from the main horror plot was an unnecessary romantic side-line. I was also very much looking forward to seeing Alicia Silverstone back on the silver screen again, but sadly the role of the mysterious aunt of the protagonist didn't suit her - her hyper-stylized performance fell somewhere between a "ridiculous witch from a childs fairy tale" and "Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada". In the end I appreciated the overall idea of !Perpetrator", but it definitely needed a more elaborated and sophisticated approach.