I saw the movie at the Macabre Faire Film Festival last year. It's about a bunch of L.A. professionals that get together for a baby shower and the world goes haywire while they are there. Then they fight to survive for the rest of the film.
This thing was just fantastic. It has about a gagillion characters in it, and you would think it was Whedon working his magic with how well all of them are defined and given appropriate screen time. The Director juggles the opening introductions with a skill that is somewhat awe-inspiring.
The cast is superb. Just an excellent group of actors. Every hits their notes perfectly.
Yeah, if you've seen the poster, there's a killer clown. But it's not a movie about a killer clown. That's just one of the many interesting parts of the film. It's really about these characters and how they react to each other during this stressful situation.
And it is FUNNY. Laugh out loud hilarious all the way through. Seriously, i had such a great time watching this movie. Easily one of my favorite films I've seen on the festival circuit in the last several years.
If I had anything bad to say about the movie at all, it's that it killed off my favorite character way too early for my tastes. I mean, it was totally right for the story, but I'm selfish and I wanted more hilarity from this particular actor.
Not sure what else to say. Killer Party was truly excellent and you should make time for it.