The largest cash prize in history. A multicultural cast of Big game hunters, trackers, Squatchers and nitwits.
What's not to like? In the sea of Bigfootery this stands out from the pack; if for one reason. Skeptics trashing on the cast as they present the evidence from the hunt.
Majority of Cryptid shows are riff with cheerleaders advocating for all sorts of quasi-evidence. The Gold standard of DNA suspiciously absent for the most part from these shows.
Not on Bigfoot Bounty. The teams are seeking irrefutable evidence in the form of DNA. Blood, saliva, hair, or flesh, that will prove the existence of the great Beast Bigfoot.
This has never been done before. Are the characters eccentric? Odd? Even shocking? Yes, it's T.V. after all.
So instead of having a tiny car vomiting out a bunch of clowns who have no business being in the forest; we now have people who can be cut loose in the depths of the wilds, and not die.
Individuals cast for the show; presumably due to expertise in their respected fields. Unlike all other shows of this nature; with their narrow monochromatic support for any divot (Bigfoot track), any sound (usually coyotes), smell, shadow, or hallucination which is instantly confirmed as a Squatch.
Any hunter attempting such nonsense; looks to be finely ground into Cyptid fodder by Dr. Todd Disotell the genetic expert cast as the skeptical lightening bolt primed to fry any contestant that looks at him sideways.
The only thing that would make this show better; would be electric shocks applied to every nitwit that brings in bogus data.