Believing the site to be clear, a group of contestants for a reality show are sent off for a reality show shoot involving them looking into the now-stopped Jack and Jill murders, but as they continue to explore the area find the fabled killers are alive and stalking the crew forcing them to get away alive.
Overall, this was a fairly solid and likable genre effort. One of the better features of this one is the strong enough setup that brings the group together at the location and into their clutches. Featuring the wild idea of the affair going for a true crime exploration of the site where the murders were committed in the past as there have been no reported killings over the last decade and turning this into a reality show experience, the idea comes off with a nice touch of continuity in the franchise while also adding a nice touch to the modern audience. The concept is wild enough to be believable as a means of why they would bring people out to the site of a mass murderers' spree under the assumption it's all for the game, creating a nice bit of suspense waiting around to see the whole thing take place. That gives the film a great setup so that the series of stalking scenes here come off incredibly well. The idea of the killers still using the fabled spot to ambush and drive out their targets manages some atmospheric encounters once they arrive with the final half featuring a slew of impressive tactics playing with the idea that the hosts have faked encounters previously so it's hard to trust them. Even though there are some decent encounters out in the hills taking out several victims, there's a lot more to like here when it gets to the frenetic scenes in the camp where the siblings take out the disbelieving group throughout the house where they're staying and the surrounding areas. As this all gives it some decent gore in the kills and a frantic tempo, these all manage to keep it enjoyable enough. There are some big issues with this one that hold it back. One of the bigger drawbacks present is the extraneous elements present here that cause the pace to feel far more sluggish and dragged out than it really should. The main factor is the use of flashbacks and clips from the previous films to either correct someone's comments about the siblings or seeing what happened while they narrate the events over the top of the scene which makes for a series of unnecessary extra scenes filling us in on something we already know that could've been spent looking at the team going around the woods looking for the truth. These scenes could've been far better handled getting to the stalking earlier as the film takes nearly an hour to get going as this excessive material, plus a series of infuriating character-development scenes trying to get to know the group, makes the pace feel quite lacking. Combined with the flimsy and cheap effects work, these all hold this one back.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, and a clothed sex scene.